RYO SAKAZAKI - The King of Fighters'98 UM

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RYO SAKAZAKI - The King of Fighters' 98 UM 

リョウ・サカザキ 父、タクマ・サカザキが創設した極限流空手の道場師範代。幼少の頃から厳しい鍛錬を積んでおり、“無敵の龍”と称されるほどの実力を持つ。我慢強く地道な努力を惜しまない性格。今もなお技を極めるために精進を欠かさず修行を重ねている。

RYO SAKAZAKI - Ryo is the son and entrusted owner of Takuma Sakazaki's dojos for the Kyokugen-style school of Karate. As a child, Ryo spent his time training his body, and eventually became so powerful that he was nicknamed The Invincible Dragon. Naturally, he is extremely strong-willed, and will spare no effort getting things done. Even to this day, he continues to train himself to his maximum potential.


  • 3 x Interchangeable Head Sculpt 
  • 5 x Pairs of Hands 
  • 1 x Zanretsuken
  • 1 x Haoh Shoukou Ken 

Estimated Release Date: Q3 2024